Dr. Robert V. Gentry
The Orion Foundation
P.O. Box 12067
Knoxville, Tennessee 37912
Dear Dr. Gentry:
I am writing on behalf of President Atkinson in response to your letter of January 2, 2002,
in which you enclosed a copy of your correspondence to the National Science Foundation (NSF)
regarding the e-print archive that they finance. I have made some inquiries with Los Alamos
National Laboratory to better understand the issues you raised, and I am informed that the
computer repository was transferred from Los Alamos to Cornell University subsequent to the
incident you described in your letter. Therefore, your request for publication is now a matter
between the National Science Foundation and Cornell University. We hope that this issue will
be resolved to your satisfaction.

Ronald A. Nelson
Director, Contracts Management
Laboratory Administration
cc: |
President Atkinson
Provost King
Vice President McTague
Director Browne