The Great 21st Century Scientific Watergate
[V13.007] 2004 Election Implications of Censorship
of Disproof Of Big Bang Cosmology (BBC)
Session V13 - Alternate Redshift Interpretations/Other.
ORAL session, Tuesday morning, May 04
Plaza Court 2, Adam's Mark Hotel, Denver Colorado
Robert Gentry (The Orion Foundation, Knoxville, TN 37912)
I discover BBC is falsified because it predicts a CBR value differing
vastly from 2.7K (CERN-EXT 2003-022).
This result confirms my earlier
ten-paper-disproof of BBC and discovery of the Cosmic Center Universe
(CCU) model that explains the Hubble relation, 2.7K CBR, and six other
observations. For 3 years LANL, NSF, and Cornell have perpetuated a
Watergate-type activity suppressing release of these papers on the
LANL/NSF/Cornell arXiv (www.orionfdn.org).
Congressmen to investigate this blatant denial of First Amendment
rights and NAS’s 1984 Freedom of Inquiry mandate to protect scientists
who challenge accepted dogma. I also ask Christian Congressmen to
investigate religious discrimination exercised against my discoveries
by evolutionists who greatly fear retribution when Christians in
Congress and elsewhere learn the new CCU model and my other discoveries
(www.halos.com) match the Fourth of the Ten Commandments (TCs) claim
that ". . . In six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea and all
that in them is, and rested the 7th day." (Ex. 20:11) Such inquiry will
insure the TCs will be an explosive focal issue in the 2004 Presidential
