The Great 21st Century Scientific Watergate
Recently — earlier here in March 2008 — I tried to get
the attention of the scientific community to the continuing totalitarian-like
suppression of my disproof of the big bang by submitting the
following letter to the Editor of America Physical Society News.
He kindly informed me that my letter would not be published because
APS News was not the right venue for dealing with my ongoing
censorship issues. So I am posting that letter below.—Robert Gentry.
Unpublished Letter to APS News
The Big Bang, Physicists, and Free Scientific Inquiry
Paul Carr's discussion of the big bang in the December APS News
reminds us that, despite being widely accepted, the big bang
is still a hypothesis because no one was here to observe it.
He then adds that perhaps other hypotheses may yet be discovered
that could predict the 2.7K Cosmic Blackbody Radiation. Let
us suppose for a moment that such a potential discovery were
made, which also included discovery of a major flaw in the big
bang and a new cosmic model to replace it. What then? In the
spirit of free inquiry would it not be expected that all physicists
would support these discoveries being quickly brought to the
center of scientific attention for discussion, irrespective of
consequences? I suggest the answer should be, yes. But in my
case it didn't happen. Instead a small but powerful group of
physicists has worked to suppress the release of these discoveries
for seven years.
Concerning them, on February 28, 2001 I submitted ten papers
to the LANL arXiv, which immediately received numbers physics/0102092-0102101;
these were an update of my paper in Modern Physics Letters A
12, 1919 (1997). In them I proposed a new explanation of the
Hubble redshift relation and the 2.7K CBR using vacuum energy
repulsion embedded within a comic model with a nearby universal
center, along with documenting that I had not only found, amazingly
enough, that big bang's fundamental spacetime expansion assumption
had never before been tested, but also discovered a way to test
it and in so doing determined that neither expansion nor expansion
redshifts ever existed, and hence that the big bang has always
been a huge myth. However, the physics community has never seen
these papers because, just prior to their release, one of Paul
Ginsparg's arXiv associates noticed my papers' main title, Flaws
in the Big Bang Point to GENESIS, a New Millennium Model of the
Cosmos, and immediately deleted all of them. Then when I submitted
my papers a second time on March 5, 2001, and after again receiving
arXiv numbers, they were again deleted and on this occasion my
password was also deleted, making it impossible thereafter to
post results. News of Paul Ginsparg's and Cornell's ongoing and
collaborative censorship of these results has been widely reported
in Nature (420, 597(2002); 428, 488 (2004) and 432, 428 (2004)).
Moreover, during the past seven years I have several times called
APS members' attention to this situation through contributed
papers presented at the annual April APS meetings. Thus far neither
the physics community, nor the general scientific community,
nor the media, nor members of Congress, have shown any interest
in exposing what may well be one of the greatest examples of
censorship in the history of science, and this continues even
when it is known that the Cornell arXiv is significantly supported
by taxpayer funds. My ten papers, plus details about the ongoing
censorship by Cornell can be accessed at www.orionfdn.org.
Robert Gentry
