To: Company: From:
Dr. Richard Atkinson University of California Robert V. Gentry
FAX #: Phone #: Date: Time:
510-987-9086 510-987-9074 01/02/02 09:45
We met on the evening of Thursday, March 9, 1978, at Texas Tech University in Lubblock,
Texas, on the occasion of the Symposium on Superheavy Elements. I was at that time
affiliated with the Chemistry Division of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory as a Visiting
Scientist, a position I had held for nine years prior to the Symposium.
I was one of the principal speakers for the Symposium and you were the after dinner speaker.
Bob Gentry
encl: |
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of NSF funds in the operation of the LANL e-print archive
P.O. Box 12067 Knoxville, TN 37912
